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时间: 小龙 名人演讲



This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes. And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED, seven years ago. And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager, and she came from a really poor family.

这真的是一个我给高中学生做的2个小时的演讲 现在缩到了3分钟 所有的一切都是从7年前的一天开始, 我坐在飞往TED会议的飞机上。 在我邻座坐的是一个 高中生,一个十几岁的年轻人。 她生于一个贫穷的家庭 而且她的愿望是成就一番事业 所以她问了我一个简单的小问题。

And she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question. She said, "What leads to success?" And I felt really badly, because I couldn&39;t give her a good answer. So I get off the plane, and I come to TED. And I think, jeez, I&39;m in the middle of a room of successful people! So why don&39;t I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids? So here we are, seven years, 500 interviews later,