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时间: 小龙 名人演讲



First of all I hope that today the mood not too serious, because I see a lot of program, that will be some of the more heavy, then asked the question seems to you a lifetime proposition, but I&39;ll say, I hope you give me applause.

My name is Andy Lau. I don&39;t know where you got to know Andy Lau? From the beginning of the nine zero&39;s understanding of Andy Lau&39;s who? It recently met Andy Lau who? Oh, it&39;s not so bad. The eight zero time you know Andy Lau? You&39;re not so old.



First I want to talk about my own story. I think he doesn&39;t know a lot of people, where Andy Lau is out, understand? Do you know?? Where do I come from? The mother&39;s belly, in 1961 I was born in a village, there called Po, Hongkong (of) a very very long in one place. I&39;m really when I was young, I found that I was rich, with a peacock in my family, there are more than two hundred pigs in my family, I have countless dove, then we have a lot more. I have seen many young friends haven&39;t seen things, I knew there was a television from a young age, I knew there was a tape from a young age, I have (of) a lot of a lot of good things.

One day, my dad when I was six years old, he took me from the countryside to the city, he wants us to have contact with the outside world. The results of my grandfather he not happy, he felt that my father was not a very good child, the family housing time, my father didn&39;t. Since that time, I lived in a place called the Diamond Mountain, a place in the city. The diamond hill that place, is a lot of very poor people live there, the place is a wooden house. Why it is called the diamond hill, because all the people living there, hope oneself live, relatively high point, so he changed the name diamond hill. My father is a fireman.

但是你知道吗?因为木房子,我们每一天都面临火灾的(可能) ,我们每一天都要记得我们的身份证放哪里,如果有火灾的时候,我们要尽快进去拿了身份证就逃。结果真的有一天,我那年大概十一岁,我家里真的因为火灾,我们要离开了。我们离开了我们住的地方,然后等了很久,等了大概有一年的时间,爸爸就跟我们住在一个临时搭的房子,是政府给我们的。然后等了大概一年,我们可以换来有一个石头的房子,我们住在那里。我们每一天每一天,为自己的生活,做了很多很多不一样的事情。一直到我1980年,我参加了训练班,一年之后,我表现得非常好,结果我签了(香港)无线电视台。那这一段简简单单地,希望大家可以了解一下,感觉一下我的过去。


But you know what? Because the wood house, every day we are facing the fire (may), every day we remember our id put where, if there is a fire, we should as soon as possible to get the ID fled. The result is really one day, I was about eleven years old, my family really because of the fire, we should leave. We leave the place we live, then for a long time, for about a year, Dad as we lived in a house in makeshift, the government gave us. Then for about one year, we can have a stone house in exchange for, we live there. We every day and every day, for his own life, do a lot of things are different. Until 1980, I atten. Until 1980, I attended the training class, a year later, I played very good results, I signed (Hongkong) wireless television. That a simple, hope you can understand, feel my past.

I did something I&39;ve never done before today, I never tried so nervous, I really want to for a long time, I was asked to do a I never do, what could I have something for you, I really think a lot. I want to have a question to ask you, today you think Andy Lau success?


Andy Lau is an artist of all media deified, said he, he tried hard, he did no wrong, he can not eat, sleep, do not drink, just breathing can live to fifty-two years old. But today I hope hope, really really present in front of everyone, in fact, I am an ordinary person, I get nervous, I will talk about my heart because it is less stable, appear to have some don&39;t speak well of. But today I want to share with you here, what is the real Andy Lau.


I like to share my failure is good?


In 1981, a training class I just stepped into the entertainment circle, I already have a girlfriend, together for more than three years. I think I as the man responsible, so I&39;m desperately in my training class, do a lot of things, not just start at nine o&39;clock in the morning, I have to practice dancing, somersault, a lot of things.


Suddenly one day, I received a phone call, the phone is already four months did not see my girlfriend, she told me: "can you come out here?" I said: "I will come to you." Then the result after eight hours, I was about to her. She asked me in Hongkong a very romantic place, that place is the top of the hill, looking down from that place, you will see the beautiful Hongkong. But I haven&39;t had a chance to enjoy, this scene, she said to me: "let us apart." I figured why, I didn&39;t do what, I haven&39;t explained before, she left. I am a person standing on the top of a very romantic, I slowly down the hill, step by step to a bus stop. Then from the bus station there waiting, waiting, a car passed, two cars, three cars before, I found a not so many people&39;s car, I go. I sat in the last row, I&39;ve been thinking, why this will be the result? The car ran, my tears all the way in the back, you know? Tears always hit the glass. In front of a few people, they have not come back, I will dry your eyes, and see the (their) look at me, I will say what?!


So, my first love failed. Because of this failure, I will concentrate on my work, I met my first success, I got my first chance when the actor, I succeeded.


But success really have a. I remember in 1985, I was already finished "The legend of Condor Hero", when I saw Jackie Chan Zhou Runfa in the movie, they have developed very well, I was hoping for a chance to go to a movie. I told the company said: "can I every year to make a TV series, the other time to take my picture (movie)?" They said: "can not." I choose, I choose not to stay in the TV station. Then, when a group of people, said to me: "Andy Lau, you this too failed." But each individual choice, he is from the heart, I followed the direction I walked, walked, I met "outside law", I met "Carmen".


You wow so fake. I met "romance". The results with a group of people, said: "Oh, Andy Lau, you then choose too successful." In fact, success really who said to calculate, no one knows, but you have to remember, success is not only a method. I left the TV, I struggled when kept in the outside, there is a person in the TV station, but that person is Tony Leung, today his achievements is be obvious to people. So be sure to remember, to find a most suitable for your own, do not casually to copy others successful example, must want to clear.


Jing Ke do you know? He pricks Qin, success or failure?


The king of Qin, he unified, success or failure? Yes, you want to do? Do the hands? Jing Ke hands do? Really, success is not himself, is the history of the. Also, like me, he thought I was very successful, why? Because of my career is very good, my family is very happy, he said I was successful in the success, right? Please clap.


My people doesn&39;t love said, this man&39;s career, work well a work is not good, a box office, a part of the movie, he is luck. His vanity, the family put in there, all his family, living in a haze, they say I&39;m a failure of failure. I don&39;t care, I think I understand people, he must know. What I am afraid, I am afraid of what? Don&39;t struggle, it is a kind of mercy, not smell, it is a kind of wisdom.


I will stop here, to tell you a story. I have a very good friend, he has said to me: "I like Fan Bingbing, could you introduce me." I said: "I&39;m sorry, I&39;m Andy Lau doesn&39;t do that sort of thing." I don&39;t know why he, one day, he told me, he met Fan Bingbing, he asked her to travel abroad, I said: "how?"


"I&39;m half successful."


I said: "so far, how?"


"I went to, she didn&39;t go to."


I think this attitude is very good, we should use a very happy, very positive energy to deal with all the things.


But successful people, usually very other people hate, hate, I see too much. They be opinionated, they will tell you: "I want to make the most of their real." That part of their own shortcomings is true. But I tell you, if you have a spiritual things, we can be acquired through the efforts of the bad. By that time, you will be a successful and lovely success. Many people will tell you, we&39;re naked in front of the mirror, every morning we at him, I asked him: "who are you?"


"I am Andy Lau."


"You have to live up to your own?"


"You have broken your own?"


"You have cheated on you?"


Every day to ask once, and then clear, clear, wash a face, clean face, and then go out to your family, a smile, a smile to your neighbor, to strangers in the street with a smile, for those who fail a smile, at that time you will find, the world is full of love. If the world is full of love, all of us success be far behind? Can&39;t.


There is a love, even if you fail, you ran out into the street, someone is going to give you a smile, they will encourage you. In this world, successful people, fewer people than failure. You have to remember, as long as our group of people who failed to unite, we can talk to those who were successful ratio.


Today I was very lucky to have the opportunity here, with many young people, I share this kind of feeling. The future if you have what problem, I&39;m right here, you want comfort or smile, I can give you. But remember, take good care of yourself, will have a good future.


Would you give me a smile. Would you give me love. Today I can tell you, what you see is the real Andy Lau. Thank you.